JMMA performs formal work zone safety examinations to improve the safety of workers and all roadway users. The practice of Road Safety Audits (RSA) helps to proactively identify safety issues and recommend treatments. It is a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future work zone. The audits can be conducted at all phases of work zone planning, design and deployment, and considerations for each project phase. These audits can significantly enhance the safety of a work zone before a crash and ensuing litigation occur.
A Work Zone RSA (WZRSA) employs the process of an RSA combined with characteristics of a typical work zone inspection or process review. The difference between an RSA and a WZRSA is in the tailored RSA approach incorporated into the unique challenges of work zones. Note that a WZRSA assesses a project’s temporary elements that will eventually be removed once the active work zone phase is completed.

JMMA conducts WZRSAs upon request. The audits utilize the RSA formal process to evaluate a work zone and provide observations and recommendations to improve its safety. The deliverables usually include a report with photographs and observations, addressing all safety (and only safety) elements of the the work zone, such as:

Advance warning area
(signs used, sign mounting, sign spacing, sign clearances)

Transition areas
(taper length, device spacing, visibility)

Buffer spaces
(length, availability)

Work space
(OSHA-related, internal traffic control plans, positive protection, use of truck-mounted attenuators)

Termination area
(downstream tapers, END ROAD WORK signs)

Device quality and application
(deflection spaces, anchoring, length of need)

Worker safety
Worker safety

Pedestrian accessibility
(ADA, device detectability)

Compliance with local standards and guidelines

Application of temporary barriers
(deflection spaces, anchoring, length of need)