Development of Washington State Traffic Control Supervisor Program (2017)
Traffic Control Supervisor Training Program(2017)

Development of Georgia and South Carolina
Temporary Traffic Control Training Programs (2017)

Development of Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)
Plans for SR-408, Orlando, Florida, for Hubbard Construction (2017)

Work Zone Road Safety Audits
Ventura Freeway, Los Angeles, CA, for Sterling Construction. (2016)

Work Zone Road Safety Audits
for the New York City Department of Transportation. (2015)

Work Zone Road Safety Audit (RSA)
for the Madden-Colón Freeway, for Odebreck Panamá. (2015)
See Project List
Project List
- Development of Washington State Traffic Control Supervisor Training Program(2017)
- Development of Georgia and South Carolina Temporary Traffic Control Training Programs (2017)
- Development of Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plans for SR-408, Orlando, Florida, for Hubbard Construction (2017)
- Development of Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plans, for Bermudez, Longo, Diaz-Masso, LLC. (2016)
- Work Zone Road Safety Audits, Ventura Freeway, Los Angeles, CA, for Sterling Construction. (2016)
- Work Zone Road Safety Audits, for Balfour-Beatty and Sterling Construction Company (2015-2016)
- Neighborhood Traffic Calming Study, for Belmont Community Association, Ashburn, VA. (2016)
- Work Zone Road Safety Audits, for the New York City Department of Transportation. (2015)
- Expert witness activities (highway work zones). JMM has worked as an expert witness in several work zone litigation cases. (ongoing)
- Chief Instructor, for the American Traffic Safety Services Association, responsible for developing and updating several work zone safety courses, approving other instructors and auditing courses (2005 to present).
- Development of Designing Temporary Traffic Control Zones for Pedestrian Accessibility Course, for the Federal Highway Administration through the American Traffic Safety Services Association. (2015)
- Work Zone Road Safety Audit (RSA), for the Madden-Colón Freeway, for Odebreck Panamá. (2015)
- Development of online Work Zone Inspection Course, for the Federal Highway Administration through the American Traffic Safety Services Association. (2015)
- Development of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Traffic Control Manager (TCM) and Train-the-Trainer courses, for the Pennsylvania DOT, through the American Traffic Safety Services Association. (ongoing)
- Road Safety Audits, for projects in Cuenca, Manta and Ibarra, Ecuador, for the World Bank. (2014)
- Development of Operation and Application of Truck-Mounted Attenuators (TMAs)instructor-led and online certification training courses, for the American Traffic Safety Services Association (2014).
- Development of Higher Education Training Materials on Work Zone Safety, for the Federal Highway Administration through the American Traffic Safety Services Association (2014).
- Training Activities, Sao Paulo, Brazil, for Avery Dennison, on subjects such as Vulnerable Road User Safety and Road Safety Audits (RSA) (2012-2013)
- Development of online Flagger Courses (English and Spanish), American Traffic Safety Services Association (2014).
- Development and Presentation of Work Zone Road Safety Audits (RSA) Training Course, for the Federal Highway Administration through the American Traffic Safety Services Association (2013)
- Development of Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT) Traffic Control Coordinator Training Program, developed for the Manitoba Heavy Construction Association (MHCA), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, through the American Traffic Safety Services Association (2012-2014).
- Executive Workshop on Traffic Congestion Management, developed and presented for the International Road Federation (IRF), Orlando, Florida (2011).
- Vulnerable Road User Safety Training Course, presented for the World Bank, Lima, Peru, to help develop policies aimed at reducing pedestrian, motorcycle and bicycles crashes in Lima (2010).
- Vulnerable Road User Safety Training Course, developed for the International Road Federation (IRF) and the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility. Course was presented in Accra, Ghana and Bogota, Colombia (2010).
- Roadside Safety Training Course, developed for the International Road Federation (IRF) and the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility. Course was presented in Kampala, Uganda and Lima, Peru (2010).
- Development of several work zone safety training courses. Working for the American Traffic Safety Services Association, JMM developed several courses under Area 3 of the Federal Highway Administration’s Work Zone Safety Grant. The courses developed included: Work Zone Impact Analysis, Urban Work Zone Traffic Control., Work Zone Strategies, Traffic Control for Maintenance and Short Duration Activities, and Nighttime Traffic Control (2009).
- Development of the Bogota (Colombia) Traffic Safety Plan. JMM working with Icovias, helped to develop this plan for the Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad (SDM). The work also includes analysis of high-accident locations and development of countermeasures (2009).
- Development of the Bogota (Colombia) Traffic Safety Research Center. JMM working with Centrovial, developed an implementation plan for this important center, the first of its kind in Colombia (2008).
- Evaluation of Work Zone Safety Standards in Colombia. JMM, working for the World Bank, evaluated the work zone safety standards in Bogota, Colombia and prepared a recommendation report. A work zone course was developed and presented to both public sector and private sector officials in June (2005)
- Development of the “Puerto Rico MUTCD”. JMM developed Puerto Rico’s supplement to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), in Spanish, for the Puerto Rico Department of Transportation (2004-2005).
- Development of the “Work Zone Training for Law Enforcement”. JMM developed this important training course, aimed at law enforcement officers, including Section 6I of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) (2004).
- Development of the “Portable Changeable Message Sign (PCMS) Handbook”. JMM developed this handy pocket guide for the American Traffic Safety Services Association. (2004)
- Development of the “Basic Traffic Control for Utility Operations”. JMM developed this handy pocket guide for the American Traffic Safety Services Association (2003).
- Development of “Work Zone Design Course” for Maryland State Highway Administration and the University of Maryland. JMM developed and presented this important course, aimed at designers of temporary traffic control setups in Maryland (2002).
- Definitional Mission for Panama City’s Traffic Signal System . JMM assisted Transportation and Economic Research Associates (TERA) with this important definitional mission for the US Trade Development Agency (TDA). The mission evaluated the technical and financing issues of installing a new traffic signal system in Panama City, Panama (2002).
- Development of “Traffic Simulation Models Workshop” Conference Proceedings . JMM assisted the University of Arizona with the development of these workshop proceedings. The workshop was held in Tucson, AZ, September 23-26, 2001.
- Development of Short-Duration Work Zone Training Modules. JMM is assisting the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) developing a series of 20 modules dealing with short-duration operations, such as lane closures, shoulder work, flagging operations, worker safety, nighttime operations, and others (2001).
- Synthesis of Operations Tools. JMM assisted the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) with the development of a synthesis of available traffic operation tools, resources, and programs (2001).
- Development of Spanish Language Training Program. JMM supported the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) developing a Spanish language traffic safety training program. (2001)
- Presentation of “Introduction to CORSIM” Training Course. Teaming with the University of Florida Transportation Research Center, JMM was selected as the lead instructor for this National Highway Institute (NHI) course on traffic simulation.
- “Strategies to Improve Traffic Safety” Seminars in Colombia. Working for 3M Colombia, JMM developed and presented five traffic safety seminars, in Spanish, in 4 cities in Colombia (Bogotá, Barranquilla, Medellín, and Cali), 9/11-15,2000. The seminar discussed specific strategies available to improve traffic safety in this developing country, including engineering and institutional measures (2000).
- Support of “Legal Issues in Transportation Software” Workshop. JMM was selected by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to support a workshop which the future of FHWA’s transportation software, particularly the CORSIM simulation model and a “New Generation Simulation Model. JMM developed the workshop proceedings for this important workshop, held in Falls Church, VA (2000).
- Development and Presentation of “Introduction to ITS” Course in Mexico. JMM was selected by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to develop and present an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Awareness course to Mexican officials, on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project included development of the course, presentation of a pilot course (San Diego, CA, 9/6/2000) and the final course (Monterrey, Mexico, 9/28/2000).
- Support of Legal Issues in Transportation Software Workshop. JMM was selected by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to support a workshop which discussed legal issues surrounding transportation software, particularly the CORSIM simulation model. JMM developed the workshop proceedings for this important workshop, held in McLean, VA, 6/20/2000.
- Advanced Traffic Management Systems R&D Technical Support. JMM was selected by ITT Systems & Sciences Corporation, Inc. to provide on-site technical support (at Traffic Research Laboratory (TReL), Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, Virginia) to research, develop, test and evaluate advanced traffic management and control systems and technologies, including intelligent transportation systems. Work includes test and evaluation of simulation models (CORSIM, etc.), advanced surveillance, training activities, dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) and other technologies. (1997-2001)
- Desk Study on Sao Paulo Inner Beltway ITS Project. For the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, JMM conducted a desk study to evaluate the feasibility of deploying ITS technologies in the Mini-Anel Virio in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (1999)
- CORSIM Computer Based Training (CBT). JMM supported Strategic Solutions Group, Inc. with the development of this CBT package by providing technical support. (1999)
- For the Transportation Research Board (TRB), JMM supported the Workshop on LED (light emitting diode) Technologies in Traffic Systems , held in Irvine, California, October 26-27, 1998, and in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, June 5-6, 2000. JMM developed the technical programs, provided technical support during the workshops and developed the workshop proceedings. (2000)
- ITS Standards Education and Training. Through the Jet Propulsion Laboratory , JMM assisted the Federal Highway Administration in the development of a comprehensive education and training program on ITS standards, such as the National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) and others. JMM developed the “one-pagers” being used by FHWA to promote ITS standards.
- First Latin American Regional Conference on ITS. Working for ITS America, JMM developed and carried out the technical program for this important international conference, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (1998)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technical Support. JMM was selected by both PB Farradyne and SAIC to provide technical and program support to help deploy the national ITS program. Work under these efforts includes special studies on congestion management, implementation of educational programs, and on-call support services. (1997-2001)
- LED Activities Support. For the Institute of Transportation Engineers, JMM provided services in support of the development of an LED (light emitting diode) equipment standards for traffic signals.
- Market Research Activities. JMM assisted the Amsign Corporation and Barrier Systems, Inc. researching potential market opportunities in Latin America.
- NASTO Technical Support. JMM was selected to provide technical support to the Northeast Association of State Transportation Officials (NASTO) and the Puerto Rico Department of Transportation. In that capacity, JMM organized the technical program for their annual meeting, and organized several focus groups, workshops and conferences, on subjects such as intermodalism, ISTEA, Amtrak policies, and the Ozone Transport Commission.
- Simulation Model Evaluation. JMM was selected by Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc. to evaluate and test the CORSIM simulation model by applying it to a real-case scenario at I-495 and I-66 in Virginia, for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
- ATMS Conference Planning. Also for Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc., JMM developed the technical program for the 1995 Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) conference in St. Petersburg, Florida.
- Asia Transport 1998. Working for the Transportation and Economic Research Associates (TERA), Inc., JMM provided support services in the development and marketing of Asia Transport 98, a US Trade and Development Agency Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.
- San Juan, Puerto Rico, ITS Early Deployment Plan. JMM supported PB Farradyne Inc. in the development of the San Juan ITS Early Deployment Plan. Work includes development of incident management strategies, alternate route recommendation and evaluation, design of a contraflow lane, application of Moveable Barriers on PR-18 and PR-22, HOV feasibility study, and development of the User Services Plan. JMM was involved with the pre-design activities of the PR-18 (Expreso Las Américas) moveable barrier system.
- Washington, DC ITS Early Deployment Plan. JMM supported McKisssack and McKissack in the development of the Washington, DC ITS Early Deployment Plan. Work includes development of incident management strategies, conducting EDP workshops and assisting with the development of the User Services Plan.
- Autopistas del Sol (Buenos Aires) Freeway Management. Working for PB Internacional, S.A., JMM worked on developing both geometric and operational improvements for the Ramal Norte of the Pan American Highway in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Work included developing a comprehensive data collection scheme for the 22-lane toll facility, evaluating traffic signal plans and assessing ITS technologies.
- Evaluation of UV Lighting for Highway Applications. Working for the Center for Applied Research, Inc., JMM evaluated the application of ultra violet lighting for highway applications. Work includes review of literature, data analysis and project design.
- Identification of Highway Hazards. Also for the Center for Applied Research, JMM supported an FHW research study to determine how drivers perceive hazards, and to develop recommendations.
- Traveler Information Systems Scanning Tour. For Loyola College of Baltimore, JMM facilitated and documented a study tour to Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and the UK to look at the application of advanced technologies for traffic management and traveler information systems.
- ITS America Latin American Mission. For ITS America, JMM coordinated, conducted and documented an ITS mission to Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile, to assess the ITS progress in those countries and develop recommendations to FHWA.
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Accident Typing Software. For the Lendis Corporation, JMM evaluated an accident typing software package, capable of grouping accidents by type to implement countermeasures.
Other Education and Training Projects
Other Education and Training Projects
- Training Courses. For the University of Maryland, JMM develops and presents yearly courses on subjects such as “Designing Pedestrian Facilities for Accessibility”, “Introduction to Work Zones”, “Work Zone Design”, “Traffic Engineering Fundamentals”, Improving vulnerable Road User Safety”, Safety 365″ and others. (ongoing)
- Training Courses. For the American Traffic Safety Services Association, JMM has developed and presented dozens of courses on temporary traffic control in work zones, nationwide, including Traffic Control Technician, Traffic Control Supervisors, Work Zone Design, and several others. (1998 to present).
- Flagger Certification courses, nationwide. (2004 to present)
- For the BMI-SG, JMM presented the “Designing and Operating Intersections for Safety”, in Phoenix, AZ, September 2004.
- For the American Traffic Safety Services Associaction, JMM presented the “Emergency Traffic Control for Emergency Responders”, various locations, 2005-2009.
- For the Louis Berger Group, JMM presented the “Introduction to CORSIM training course”, in Las Vegas, Nevada, May 6-8, 2002.
- For the University of Maryland, JMM developed and presented a “Work Zone Design Course” for the Maryland State Highway Administration, May 28-30, 2002.
- For Gresham Smith and Partners, JMM presented the “Introduction to CORSIM training course”, in Nashville, Tennessee, June 26-27, 2002.
- For ITT Systems, and the National Highway Institute, JMM developed and presented pilot efforts of the “Introduction to CORSIM training course”, in Tallahassee, Florida, and Phoenix, Arizona.
- Work Zone Traffic Technician/Supervisor Certification Program. For the American Traffic Safety Association (ATSSA), JMM is an instructor for the Traffic Control Technician, Traffic Control Supervisor and Flagger Certification courses. JMM has taught dozens of TCT, TCS and Flagger courses.
- Introduction to the CORSIM Simulation Model. For ITT Systems, JMM developed and presented this course in Lawrence, Kansas, Baltimore, Maryland, San Luis Obispo, California, and Richmond, Virginia, to the respective state departments of transportation.
- Developed and presented the seminar “Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems”, in Bogotá, Colombia (Colombia Engineering School), May, 1998.
- Served as instructor, Urban Transportation Intensive Course IV: “Intelligent Transportation Systems: the technological revolution towards the 21st Century “, Metropolitan University, Caracas, Venezuela, 1998 (Booz-Allen Hamilton, Inc.)
- Developed and presented the courses “Strategies to Alleviate Traffic Congestion”and “Strategies to Improve Highway Safety” to local DOT officials (Puerto Rico Technology Transfer Center).
- Presented the course “Introduction to the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual” to local officials in Puerto Rico and St. Croix (Puerto Rico Technology Transfer Center).
- Served as alternate instructor for FHWA’s course “Deploying Integrated Intelligent Transportation Systems” (PB Farradyne, Inc.)
- Presented the course “Strategies to Alleviate Traffic Congestion” at the 1996 and 1997 International Transportation Engineering Symposium (Mexican Transportation Institute).
- Presented a briefing “Strategies to Improve Safety and Reduce Congestion” to Venezuelan officials (Venezuela Ministry of Transport).
- For the Panamerican Institute of Highways, developed and presented the courses“Strategies to Alleviate Traffic Congestion” and “Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems” in 1) Querétaro, Mexico, 2) Quito, Ecuador, 3) Asunción, Paraguay, 4) Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5) Rosario, Argentina, and 6) Buenos Aires, Argentina. (1997)